Pick up May 2013 Issue of C! Magazine
the automotive authority
Dave Dewbre's (Electric vehicle consultant) electric tricycle project is the Exclusive feature. It's showcasing Mayor Edward Hagedorn's pioneering etrike projects for clean air since 2006 and how Dave took Hagedorn's lead and developed 6 different prototypes for different terrains and load capacity.Dave talks about the issues involved in today's manufacturing issues such as the lack of post sales service.
Pick up May issue of C! Magazine, the automotive authority to read the rest of the story! There are 4 more pages of story and photos.
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Check out Dave Dewbre's electric motorcycle store. (They do not ship to the Philippines because of excessive customs charges)
The bike they recommended now has more than 1000 miles on it and is still going strong. If you need service, they excel in that department too. electric bikes nz